Industrial Sieving Machine

  • Диаметржӹ экранын(ммш): 520-1390
  • Ару шакта: ≤500 mesh or ≥0.028mm
  • Ланзывлӓм: 1
  • Куатан(КВт): 0.12-0.55
  • Product type: Автоматический
  • Structure material option:316L stainless steel, 304 ӹрдӓнгдӹмӹ вурс, carbon steel.
  • Customize serviceAll parts can be customized
  • Приложени:grain, аптекы, ширвӹд, chemcial, странице.
  • Ӓкшӹ(Доллареш США): 1500-8000
  • Приложени: Powder, Granules, Liquid, Bulk Solids and other ingredients.
  • Description
  • Inquiry

Кычылтмаш Качкышвлӓ

Industrial Sieving Machine, widely known as “safety officer”, кофе дон анзыл корныш мычашышты кычылташ лиэш лашашым ӹштӓт кердеш пукшаш системе , специя, изи качкыш, йӱн пингӹдӹ, странице. It can do the check screen or safety screen and efficiently separate foreign materials and over-size particles in raw materials (лашашым, кофе порошокым , шӹшер, ешартыш, странице).

It is connected to the production system and does automatic separation much more rapidly than other kinds of sieving machines.

The industrial sieving machine uses a or two high-frequency vibration motors as the excitation source. After the material enters the sieving machine, трехмерный экранын пыртышы дӓ тӹдӹ вӹлӓн пӹтӹрӓл, вим источник вибраций . The powder and the agglomerate are fully dispersed and separated rapidly, while qualified materials go into the lower chamber with foreign matters and over-size particles being discharged to the slag discharge port.

Industrial Sieving MachineОйыртемже & Яжо

1. Improve the purity of materials
Шӹнгӹцӓн гӹц материал шуэн дӓ кӓпеш яндарын материал
2. Пиш кого шӹнгӹцӓн
Пӹсӹн ӹштен кердӹт гораздо ковшовой темп у тергӓ шеледӹмӓш, вес йӱн мӱгӹрен.
3. Изи площадьышты принимаят
Шугырт-йӱн дорцын, п проверка Ковшовой изи дӓ куштылгы, манын ӓнгӹсӹр пространство.
4. Пырак
The fully enclosed structure makes no dust leak during the working process.
5. Салымы годым простой производство
The machine can be easily cleaned without tools and the mesh can be replaced within several minutes
6. Кӱкшӹц изи юк
Ультра-дизайн тыр бас, the working sound is only 70dBA
7. Служба ӓкшӹ лапкашты дӓ шукы жеп обслуживаний
Мотор да сай запчасть, the screener can work for a very long time without any problem.


Application Industries: Powder, Granules, Bulk Solids, Liquid and other ingredients

(Materials below are just parts of our material list, for a complete list, please consult us)

  • Chemical industry: resin pigment, медицина, grease, paint, palette, cosmetic, странице.
  • Food industry: sugar, salt, alkali, gourmet powder, starch, шӹшер, yeast powder, pollen, food additive, bean milk, juice, странице.
  • Metallurgy industry: aluminum powder, lead powder, copper powder, ore, alloy powder, electrode powder, manganese dioxide, electrolytic copper powder, electric magnetic material, polishing powder, refractory material, странице.
  • Mining industry: kaolin, alumina, carbon, quartz sand, titanium oxide, zinc oxide, странице.
  • Abrasive material and ceramic industry: building sand, mica, alumina, abrasive, refractory material, немӹр, странице.
  • Mechanical industry: casting sand, powder metallurgy, electromagnetic material, and metal powder, странице.
  • Paper-making industry: coated slurry, exhaust liquid, paper-making liquid, and wastewater reclamation, странице.
  • Pollution treatment: waste oil, wastewater, ешартыш, activated carbon, странице.

Ма Доно Кӹлдӓлтшӹ